09 May 2024

The Ilkley Road Saga:
A Timeline of Unheard Voices

In the close-knit community of Ilkley, we often pride ourselves on our shared values and common goals. However, recent traffic measures have significantly tested this sense of unity. These new rules, imposed upon our town without sufficient consideration of the residents' views, have stirred up a storm of dissatisfaction.


Three local residents (James Gillespie, Paul Birch and Peter Barron) have compiled a brilliant timeline, detailing the painstaking journey of our community's struggle against these contentious traffic measures.

This enlightening document does more than simply delineate the events leading up to the imposition of the new rules. It shines a light on what goes on in the hallowed halls of Ilkley Town Hall, and how decisions are made by just a handful of people that will impact the town for decades to come.

We invite you to delve into this thought-provoking timeline. Within the confines of a single A4 page, it weaves a narrative that is both distressing and inspiring - a story of a town's struggle for fairness, of voices unheard, and of the formidable spirit of Ilkley's residents.

This timeline stands as a stark reminder that our roles extend beyond merely being residents. We are the custodians of our town's future. Let this serve as a rallying cry, to never back down from seeking what's fair for Ilkley, to ensure our town continues to be the haven we cherish.

So, here it is - the Ilkley Road Traffic timeline. A tale of a community's fight for fairness, told one memorable date at a time.

Read on, reflect, and join us in our continued struggle for a fairer Ilkley.

If you want to download this timeline as a PDF you can do that by clicking here